ROMANZO - Una favola sul coraggio e un viaggio nel tempo
31 maggio 2014, ore 15:12. Cédric Roussel sta rientrando a casa dal liceo dove insegna storia. Ancora non lo sa, ma ha una missione da compiere.
6 giugno 2014, ore 0:02. Théo Roussel ha compiuto otto anni da due minuti. Alla festa penserà più tardi. Ora ha un appuntamento. E una missione da compiere.
Un paracadutista al battesimo del fuoco. Un padre che non ha mai dimenticato il suo dolore più grande. Un bambino in lotta con la paura. Lontani nel tempo e nello spazio, eppure hanno qualcosa in comune: l'orologio smarrito la mattina del D-Day e riapparso settant'anni più tardi sul catalogo di un'asta.
È Cédric a trovarlo su internet e poi a scoprire che ha una buona ragione per tentare di acquistarlo. Si tratta davvero di una coincidenza? La risposta è un incontro con il destino che metterà in dubbio ciò che crede di conoscere del suo stesso passato.
L'orologio con le ali è una favola sul coraggio, un ponte fra gli eroi di ieri e di domani, un viaggio nel tempo sulla più classica fra le macchine del tempo: un orologio fragile, graffiato, con le lancette arrugginite e il quadrante scolorito, eppure capace di scandire giorni che non sono quelli limitati di una vita umana.
Qui puoi leggere i primi tre capitoli del romanzo. Se vuoi acquistare il testo integrale, lo trovi in formato digitale (eBook) presso i rivenditori elencati qui.
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A tale of courage and a voyage through time
6 June 1944, 0:02: Roger Englin is aboard an aircraft headed for Normandy. He is seventeen years old and has a mission to accomplish.
31 May 2014, 15:12: Cédric Roussel is coming back home from the high school where he teaches history. He does not know it yet, but he has a mission to accomplish.
6 June 2014, 0:02: Théo Roussel turned eight years old two minutes ago. He will think about his party later on. Now, he has an appointment. And a mission to accomplish.
A paratrooper receiving his baptism of fire. A father who has never gotten over his greatest heartache. A young boy fighting his fear. Three people separated by space and time, yet thay have something in common: a wristwatch, lost on D-Day and rediscovered seventy years later in an auction house catalogue.
It is Cédric who spots it on the internet, finding out that he more than anyone has a good reason to bid for it. Can it really be mere coincidence? The answer is a date with destiny that will challenge what he thought he knew of his own life.
Wingwatch is a tale of courage, a bridge between the heroes of yesterday and those of tomorrow, a voyage through time in the company of that most classic of time machines: a watch, whose rusted hands and faded dial measure more than just the limited span of a minute, an hour or a human life.
31 May 2014, 15:12: Cédric Roussel is coming back home from the high school where he teaches history. He does not know it yet, but he has a mission to accomplish.
6 June 2014, 0:02: Théo Roussel turned eight years old two minutes ago. He will think about his party later on. Now, he has an appointment. And a mission to accomplish.
A paratrooper receiving his baptism of fire. A father who has never gotten over his greatest heartache. A young boy fighting his fear. Three people separated by space and time, yet thay have something in common: a wristwatch, lost on D-Day and rediscovered seventy years later in an auction house catalogue.
It is Cédric who spots it on the internet, finding out that he more than anyone has a good reason to bid for it. Can it really be mere coincidence? The answer is a date with destiny that will challenge what he thought he knew of his own life.
Wingwatch is a tale of courage, a bridge between the heroes of yesterday and those of tomorrow, a voyage through time in the company of that most classic of time machines: a watch, whose rusted hands and faded dial measure more than just the limited span of a minute, an hour or a human life.
The eBook is on sale at the retailers listed here.
The paperback version is available at amazon. This edition includes over 130 pictures as well as additional contents. Click here to download and display the 50-page preview file.
Un récit sur le courage et un voyage à travers le temps
6 juin 1944, 0:02. Roger Englin voyage sur un avion en direction de la
Normandie. Il a dix-sept ans et une mission à accomplir.
The paperback version is available at amazon. This edition includes over 130 pictures as well as additional contents. Click here to download and display the 50-page preview file.
Un récit sur le courage et un voyage à travers le temps
31 mai 2014, 15:12. Cédric Roussel, professeur d'histoire, rentre chez lui
du lycée où il travaille. Il ne le sait pas encore mais il a une mission à
6 juin 2014, 0:02. Théo Roussel vient d'avoir huit ans il y a deux minutes.
Il pensera à la fête d'anniversaire plus tard. Pour l'heure, il a un rendez-vous. Et une mission à accomplir.
Un parachutiste à son baptême du feu. Un père qui n'a jamais oublié sa plus
grande douleur. Un enfant qui lutte contre la peur. Loin les uns des autres
dans le temps et dans l'espace, ils ont pourtant quelque chose en commun : la
montre perdue le matin du D-Day qui réapparaît soixante-dix ans plus tard sur
le catalogue d'une vente aux enchères.
Cédric la remarquera sur Internet et découvrira une bonne raison de l'acquérir. S'agit-il réellement d'une coïncidence
? La réponse est un rendez-vous avec le destin qui remettra en question ce
qu'il croyait connaître de son passé.
« La montre ailée » est un récit sur le
courage, une passerelle entre les héros d'hier et de demain, un voyage sur la plus
classique des machines du temps : une montre, fragile,
rayée, aux aiguilles rouillées et au cadran défraîchi, et pourtant, pouvant
rythmer des jours qui vont au-delà d'une vie d'homme.
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